Am 16.03. organisierte die Klasse 9.2 einen Kuchenbasar, um Spenden für die Ukraine zu sammeln. Der folgende Bericht darüber ist im Rahmen des Englischunterrichts entstanden.
On March 16, students of class 9.2 organized a cake sale in the cafeteria of our school in order to raise as much money as possible. We donated it to UNICEF to help the Ukrainian people, who are going through horrible times, and to hopefully provide enough food and water to help them get through this.
The cake sale went on for a whole day and we were able to raise about 143€ by selling muffins, cookies, brownies and all kinds of cakes. Of course this would not have been possible without the support of other students and teachers. Ms Zuch, who is an incredible teacher at our school, even asked for a cookie recipe and a student we interviewed said, ʺI am very happy to be part of something this important and I hope the people get their country back and build it up again.”
We are really thankful for everyone’s support and we are glad that everything went well with the sale.
If you want to help more or ask about this conflict, you can reach out to a teacher at our school and keep every country that is suffering and everyone who has lost their homes and loved ones in your thoughts and prayers.
written by J. Kattabeh